What Jott heard: (listen: press
on the next page) This is take four on me trying Jott on Blogger, [language of Jott not supported] it would be interesting to see if Jott understands Spanish.
What I actually said: This is take four on me trying Jott on Blogger. Count it. Numero quattro. It will be interesting to see if Jott understands Spanish.
What Jott heard: (listen) No body got the blogger connection to fell(?). I'm curious to see how Jott transcribe something like [language of Jott, not supported].
What I actually said: Now that I've got the blogger connection figured out I'm curious to see how Jott transcribes something like hulghhughhugh hughl hyill!
What Jott heard: (listen) You know how crazy your Spansih(?). I found because I don't may be I'm a French person, who speak English but don't know I want to use this Jott like every book is.
What I actually said: Now I try zee euhh French accent because euh, I don't know, maybe I am a euh French person who euhhh speaks English, but euh you know, I want to use zeh Jott like everybody else. mmn?
What Jott heard: (listen) This Jott is more a test to see how long it takes the Jott to post to the blog, because I'm sitting here waiting for my other one and getting kinda bored. Anyway, it is exactly 5:58 PM right now, and I guess we'll know it what kinda post when it shows at the blog.
What I actually said: This Jott is more of a test to see how long it takes the Jot to post to the blog because I'm sitting here waiting for my other ones and getting and uh getting kinda bored. Anyway it is exactly 5:58 PM right now, uum and I guess we'll know what time it posts when it shows up on the blog.
Okay so it's alright. To its credit it also had to contend with crappy cell phone coverage, but on a more practical level this could be ideal when you want to send a text while driving just because it's safer than looking at your keypad. It might not be accurate, but you'll get to live another day. I'll have to test the driving Jott out, though, to be sure.
Powered by Jott

What I actually said: This is take four on me trying Jott on Blogger. Count it. Numero quattro. It will be interesting to see if Jott understands Spanish.
- Not bad. And upon listening to it again, I admittedly garbled my future tense. I wish it would at least ATTEMPT to spell out what it thinks it hears. Could be funny on a tipsy night to see your slurred words spelled out for you.
What Jott heard: (listen) No body got the blogger connection to fell(?). I'm curious to see how Jott transcribe something like [language of Jott, not supported].
What I actually said: Now that I've got the blogger connection figured out I'm curious to see how Jott transcribes something like hulghhughhugh hughl hyill!
- Not great. And I understand that we have bad cell phone coverage to contend with so that might be an issue, but there's obviously no grammar check to sort of amend what it thinks it might have heard. I'm not opposed to the lack of a grammar check, though.
What Jott heard: (listen) You know how crazy your Spansih(?). I found because I don't may be I'm a French person, who speak English but don't know I want to use this Jott like every book is.
What I actually said: Now I try zee euhh French accent because euh, I don't know, maybe I am a euh French person who euhhh speaks English, but euh you know, I want to use zeh Jott like everybody else. mmn?
- Now I'm just being a jerk to Jott. At this point I felt like a kid with a tape recorder.
What Jott heard: (listen) This Jott is more a test to see how long it takes the Jott to post to the blog, because I'm sitting here waiting for my other one and getting kinda bored. Anyway, it is exactly 5:58 PM right now, and I guess we'll know it what kinda post when it shows at the blog.
What I actually said: This Jott is more of a test to see how long it takes the Jot to post to the blog because I'm sitting here waiting for my other ones and getting and uh getting kinda bored. Anyway it is exactly 5:58 PM right now, uum and I guess we'll know what time it posts when it shows up on the blog.
- This was probably the best test because I felt the most natural in this Jott and for the most part it transcribed pretty well. Blogger said that the message posted at 6:06 PM so we're looking at roughly an 8 minute lag time between recording the message and actual post time. I like that it catches "kinda."
Okay so it's alright. To its credit it also had to contend with crappy cell phone coverage, but on a more practical level this could be ideal when you want to send a text while driving just because it's safer than looking at your keypad. It might not be accurate, but you'll get to live another day. I'll have to test the driving Jott out, though, to be sure.
Powered by Jott
How cool is that? I'm going to sign up for it right now!
ReplyDeleteI officially love Jott, Kell! I just tried it out for my blog and I think I'm going to like using it! Nice! THanks!
ReplyDeleteaww, good jott.
ReplyDeleteJott told me it felt totally used and abused by you.