Sunday, November 18, 2007

Vegas Celeb Sightings

1. Pete Rose. Ryan's dad hilariously suggested we asked him for some gambling tips. Nevermind that he was signing baseballs...For Pete's sake, Pete! GET OUT OF VEGAS!

2. Joy from The View. She was at the same restaurant we ate at, which probably sounds like we were at someplace glamorous, but it was just Wolfgang Puck's...Spork? I forget the name. Spago.

I wondered aloud if Joy would be attending The Comedy Festival, which happened this past weekend and I would have killed to go to, but didn't know it was going on until we were there. And after looking at the prices...well, my attendance would have been improbable anyway.

So no Britney (I think she gets up when I go to bed anyway), but add these two to the list of random celeb sightings/meetings (sorry about your luck, Becca):
  • Hulk Hogan (at a Florida boat show)
  • Marge Schott (I used to valet her car)
  • Peter Frampton (I used to serve him coffee)
  • Rudi Giuliani (I ran into him at my university bookstore. His teeth are incredibly square and wooden looking)
  • Ted Danson and Alex Désert (met them on the set of Becker when my friend, Marhs, worked at Paramount studios and took me on a tour). Also saw Kelsey Grammer that day.
  • washed up comic whose name I can't recall and a couple of others I know I'm not remembering...list to be revisited when memory serves me.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, come on! I never see anyone. Other than helping out Nina Totenberg at work the other day, and half my friends don't even know who she is.

    I have many near-misses, though. Right up there with TomKat are the Queen of England and Angelina Jolie (at the CVS next to my old job).
