Thursday, February 10, 2005

Heidelberg's Vampire Ball

I don't feel much like writing about it--today is Thursday and we went to it this past Saturday--but for whatever reason I think I should post something about it just as some sort of testament that living in Europe isn't one big romantic dream. I realize I also risk sounding spoiled starting it off like that but it's like this: we were had. A little bit of a joke was played on Ryan and me. The Vampire Ball is this "event" that takes place in the Heidelberg Castle where everyone dresses up (much like Halloween), drinks, dances, and listens to different bands on different levels. The joke wasn't even that big of a deal--I'm not embroiled in anger--people told us to wear anything...just dress up. The long and short of it is that duh, we should have taken our cue from the "Vampire" in "Vampire Ball," because maybe more than being like Halloween, it's a Goth/Rocky Horror Picture Show Party. Ryan and I were dressed in the brightest possible clown and jester outfits. Big deal. I can handle being "different."

Everyone else & Us
The more annoying part was how our costumes seemed to attract a stupid amount of attention from a lot of touchy Germans with dilated pupils, who, on first approach, seemed to be laughing with us, after finding out we were American seemed to be laughing at us, and then proceeded to have what seemed like a "mock" conversation for their own amusement. Then they insisted you join them in a flamboyant toast. It just made me feel small. My appearance was the first thing that gave it away to the onlooker that even after six months, there are some things I have no clue about which perhaps makes the people who talk to you think that you'll also have no clue they're making fun of you. Cultures are different but the way people interact isn't different. I know when I'm being made fun of. And I knew these people were hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh. Maybe I was just jealous that I didn't have their substances to get through that night. We had been had by both Americans and Germans that night. I 'm just sick of not having a firm grasp of knowing when you're justified to call someone out and able to act accordingly. The trouble with being American in a foreign country is that you risk being disliked for thinking you're justified and acting's that stereotype about us that says we own the world. I'm talking simple things--someone cuts in front of you in line, someone takes your parking spot, someone makes fun of you...these are things I know I'd be justified in confronting back in the states even if it's as nice as, "Oh I think I was next..." I think it's time to get over this and not feel bad the next time someone checks me on the sidewalk.

Related Posts: Fasching 2005, Fasching 2006
Categories: Heidelberg

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