We've got one in "Florence Y'all." Go to the famous one in Mannheim. Find someone who can tell you exactly how high it is and how many cubic meters it holds. Also find out who the statue is on top of it. The statue was created by Johannes Hoffart. Take your photo with the person who answers those questions. One of you must hold up a paper in the picture that states those three answers.
While I know this is another cheat, I only had a tiny Ikea pencil on me and no extra paper along with hungry family members (Family month here has finally ended. Per the previous post, Yahtzee only goes so far). We've come around the Mannheim Wasserturm many a time since Mannheim is a mere 20 minute drive from Heidelberg and it's a great area in Mannheim, all in an Art Nouveau style and surrounded by amazing fountains, but I say if you're looking for some serious park time, go to the nearby Luisen Park. It's worth the four Euro entry fee...more on that later when I complete another task on the scavenger hunt (unfortunately was there with the fam but without the camera).
You photoshop editor you!